Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yet Another Peek into My Big Ol' Media Input Pile

I love RSS feeds. There are only a few RSS feeds I choose to pass up. Most of the time, when a website offers RSS, it is like your favorite cute waitress offering you a free second cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain with a tiny block of dark chocolate on the side. I mean, how can you pass something like that up?

I use Google Reader to keep up with all of my RSS feeds. And it collects over 100 items from these RSS feeds every hour.

When people are over-saturated or super-saturated with information, there is a compulsion to share. To copy/paste the news item in an email or to slam it into a blog and comment all over it.

Google Reader, in an attempt to keep down unnecessary email FWDs or blog entries, has set it up so that if you click a Share button and it automatically posts to your very own Google Reader blog.

So, if you want to see my Shared News Item list, it is here.

And, of course, it has a RSS feed here.

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