Wednesday, October 31, 2007
In Case You Are Expecting Things On This Blog...
However, I am going to take a one-maybe-two month break from the ol' blog because I will have too LITTLE time on my hands, particularly where writing is concerned.
Because I know some people read this, I thought I would warn you ahead of time - it is not going to be updated for some time.
Here is my writing schedule for the next two months (and remember, the writing schedule often takes the back-burner to job, family, and household chores):
Current writing projects - I am trying to enter three different scripts in the Slamdance Horror Screenplay competition. Currently, I have one completely finished one, and two half-finished ones. The deadline is November 12th, so I need to finish those two halfway done ones. There is a good chance I will only finish one of the two by the November 12th deadline. To give you an idea of the high-concept, lowest common denominator type of work I'm churning out, I'll give you the title of one of my scripts: Zombie Prom Queen!
Future projects - I am participating in NaNoWriMo this year. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. Sounds like a lot until you break it down to 1,667 words a day. I write emails longer than that. Anyway, this idea has been cooking for awhile and I already have an outline, so I'm excited about getting it finished. Working title of the novel: Personal Myths.
After November (and NaNoWriMo) ends, the December projects are the annual Christmas letter (which will turn up on the blog) and a super secret project for the fans of the Filmspotting podcast.
Next year, I want to start out by writing another spec script for The Office (I have a brilliant idea for a show and it won't leave me alone) and then get another screenplay ready for the BlueCat Screenwriting contest in March.
So that's the pie-in-the-sky ambitious writing schedule through Spring '08. Hopefully, I'll work some blog posts in there, too.
P.S. I will still update my other blog, WTFDVDs, on a regular basis. As you can probably tell, it doesn't take much to maintain that one.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My Rant about Cable Television Shows
Despite the fact that I occasionally write television spec scripts, I am one of those people who inherently doesn’t like television. However, I have to admit I obsess over certain shows when they get good.
And when I heard all sorts of people talking about how Dexter was nine kinds of awesome, my curiosity was roused. So I tried watching the critically acclaimed show and couldn’t get any further than Disc 1 of Season 1.
Let me tell you, Dexter is not nine kinds of awesome. It is like half of awesome, and not the awe part. It is some.
Here is my problem – people who develop original programming for cable really love breaking their own arms patting themselves on the back for creativity. “You can do things in this show you can’t do on normal television!” they exclaim. “We advocate complete creative freedom! We believe in quality more than anything else!” and that is just not true.
They believe in objectionable content. Nudity, sex, violence, whatever you can’t show on regular television.
And here is the tricky part, the show has to convince the viewers each week that this excessive amount of objectionable content is not gratuitous, that it is indeed necessary to the plot.
The only way to work around this is, of course, to have the entire premise of the show based around sex and/or violence. The main character is a serial killer. The main character is a Mafioso. The main character is Larry David.
The problem with a premise like this is that the longer the show continues, the less plausible it becomes. The classic example of this is Murder She Wrote . After 12 years of solving a crime a week, no one ever caught on that you should not invite this woman to your birthday party, because a guest was going to mysteriously die. And, yet, week after week they did this.
So you have a premise of a show where someone dies every week. Or someone gets raped every week. Or someone gets tortured every week. And the writers have to go out of their way to conform to the formula even when the storyline or the character development makes it reasonable to deviate from the show formula. It creates monotony, fatigue, and boredom.
Because the mantra is “This is something you can only get on pay cable,” somehow this means that you can’t do anything that could appear on just any old television station. You can’t have a show like Friends, you have to twist it into a show like Friends with Benefits
So when I see shows like Dexter, all I see is marketing and formula. I don’t see creativity. I don’t see something interesting. I just see plain old television.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Buffy Report - Season 3, Disc 2
These are words of blasphemy to many of my close friends and relations, so I am quietly trying to work my way through the show just so I can at least understand what they are talking about when they resort to a pidgin of pop culture references and show quotes.
On a high level, I really did not like Season 1
From a technical side, Season 3
However, it seems like the very sharp editors from Season 2 decided to move on to bigger and better things, leaving the show runners with the lowly interns and high school students who have been sitting around, not paying and not learning anything since the last time they fiddled with the editing dials, which I assume was either never or merely Season 1
What I am really saying is this - We all know Sarah Michelle Gellar
The greatest strength of the show it also the greatest weakness – it captures the feeling of high school. No, it is nothing like real high school, but it captures the exaggerated “everything is a life or death moment and all my problems are the center of the universe” feeling that is prevalent in most high school students. And while this overwrought attitude might resonate with the teenage demographic, to the cranky old guy it comes across as excessive underlining and exclamation points.
Here is my brief summary of the first two DVDs of Season 3
Buffy loves a man who is no good for her.
So now that I’ve dished out some negativity, I will share some positives. Not surprisingly, they all focus on the character development. .The strength of the show lies in the characters and their interactions.
Two characters, one minor, one major really stand out so far.
The Principal
He is hilarious and menacing all at once, conveying a debilitating Little Man Syndrome with a mere stoop of the shoulders accompanied by a scowl.
Here is a stereotype fleshed out and made real. Is she smart? Is she stupid? Is she secretly nice underneath all that mean? Or is she really mean with flashes of niceness? I have no idea. Just like I have no idea what is going to come out of her mouth next. But yet, she is an amazingly consistent character. That kind of unpredictable fun is what makes her character such a deep fried pile of awesome.
So that is my report on what I’ve experienced so far. Now that I have put my thoughts in writing, I am sure the people who have seen the show and know what happens next will point out how silly my analysis is.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Appreciating Wes Anderson
I have a fondness for Wes Anderson
Let me explain – I don’t like to really comment on movies until I’ve waited a week, because more often than not my impressions change drastically as more time passes. As much as I may enjoy Michael Mann
I had the opposite experience with Rushmore
But over the next couple of days, I found myself thinking about the film more and more. I wound up going back to the theater to see it at least twice more.
My like for Rushmore
It culminated in my purchase of the Rushmore screenplay
For those of you who loved the Rushmore screenplay
Just to prove I wasn’t insane, I re-watched the movie with the script close by (for reference).
And it lined up perfectly. The movie was everything in the script, plus enough goodness to make it a quality experience.
Every once in awhile, I forget that for every person you see on the screen, there are about twice as many people behind the camera. I forget that not only are there writers and lighting technicians, but there are directors who hold everything together and guide all parties in the same direction.
And, whether you like his films or not, he is able to guide many different people in the same direction to create a singular vision of art.
Sometimes it is easy to forget. Directors like Wes Anderson
Friday, October 12, 2007
Scriptapalooza Entry - The Office: Guitar Heroes
Like 95% of the people entering the contest, I decided to write a spec script for the most popular show on television, The Office
Here it is.
If you are really interested in how I've progressed as a spec script writer, here is my entry to last year's contest.
I am also available for birthdays, bar/bas mitzvahs, and proms. Tip your waitresses, please.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Realms of the Deeply Unwell
And it is not just the story, it is the way the story is told. Do you need an example of the incredible prose?
Here's some:
So I hear it through Tania that Audrey has decided to move to Colorado to be with Jesse. She’s quitting her job. Packing her stuff. Leaving her home. To be with a guy . . . that she’s never actually met.
I point out to Tania that pheromones have a lot to do with mutual attraction — what if the smell’s off?
“Oh, they thought of that,” Tania tells me. They exchanged “special pieces of clothing,” she says.
To smell.
I imagine two people, one in L.A., one in Colorado, sniffing each other’s underpants to see if they can handle living together, and I say, “Jesus, that’s fucking insane.”
“You shouldn’t judge,” says Tania.
I beg to differ. This is why we have judgment.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
The Cadver Calculator - Most Disturbing Blog Thing I Have Discovered
Anyway, according to this Cadaver Calculator, my dead body is worth $4425.00. So if I ever star in a zombie movie, I'll know how much to ask for.
Wouldn't it be great if this was around when the movie It's a Wonderful Life
$4425.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.
JustSayHi - Free Personals